Test Automation
The essence of automated testing is that we use machine tools, applications and scripts, in short, automata, to check the expected operation of the software. In this way, an unlimited number of tests, assuming 24/7 operation, without human errors, can be efficiently repeated and sustained in the long term.
We have already helped them in this way:

What does Automated Testing means?
Automated testing is the most effective way to ensure software quality while keeping costs low and allowing for efficient quality assurance without time constraints. In automated tests, test cases are processed automatically using predetermined input data, and the verification of expected outcomes is carried out without human intervention. If an error is detected during this check, an automated signal is triggered, and further execution can be suspended until the issue is resolved. Automated testing is a key component of Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD).
A significant advantage is that retesting does not incur additional costs and can be performed at any point in the software's lifecycle. The automation of testing represents a distinct and specialized area, and therefore, we place a strong emphasis on sharing this knowledge and educating our colleagues. In addition to script writing, we possess the expertise required for parameterizing testing environments and successfully introducing and utilizing automation tools.
We recommend this service to those who:
Want to peek behind the curtains.
Feel a closer connection to application development
Work with integrated systems
Desire reliable operation
Think in fast development cycles
Strive for continuous improvement
Automation testing:
- Speeds up the development-release-deployment cycle by avoiding repetitive testing of well-functioning features.
- Aids in maintaining business continuity and reducing downtime risks.
- Proves effective in monitoring integrated systems, even with legacy components.
- Enhances organizational efficiency by eliminating the need for extensive human resources and overcoming time and location constraints, making it a powerful quality assurance tool
How to work together
Form completion
Outline of a proposed solution
Job offer
Contract signing
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